Over 240 African Studies Open Access Journals

African Studies Library

This list is curated courtesy of the library of the African Studies Centre Leiden.



Arewa House
Editions Oubangui
The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace Research
Communicating research. Publishers, repositories, open access
Le Salon du livre africain de Paris
National licence: Corpus de la première littérature francophone de l'Afrique noire
The Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings
The African Principles for Open Access
The Journal Impact Factor in African Studies
New open access books in African Studies
The German Research Foundation funds the extension of the SIS African Studies
Video Materials
How can I share it?
Africa Charter for Transformative Research Collaborations
CODESRIA Open Access Titels
African Studies Blogs
AWA: An online archive of African magazines
Commemorative Fabrics from Africa
National license for the African Writers Series
Accessing Taylor & Francis journals from the African continent
Workshop for subject librarians in African Studies
The African Music Archive
Workshop: Open Access and share your knowledge! Publishing in African Studies
The French SOEA Project: Open Science for African Studies
The Open Access Button
AuROA – Authors and Legal Certainty for Open Access
The Bukavu Series Online Exhibition
Early Yorùbá books at the British Library
African Books Collective E-Books: License and Access
Podcast on new books in African Studies
Publishing and co-publishing books in African Studies: guidelines for authors
The Jahn Library for African Literatures
What is open peer review?
African Minds Publishers
Open Access in African Studies
Archive of Malian Photography
Open Access at transcript publishers
Academic networking sites or open access repositories?
Sabinet: African Online Journals
What are the benefits of ‘preprints’?
How to avoid epistemicide