
African Minds Publishers

African Minds is an open access, not-for-profit, publisher of scholarly books.
Science ouverte pour les études africaines

The French SOEA Project: Open Science for African Studies

The aim of the project "Science ouverte pour les études africaines" (Open Science for African Studies, SOEA) is to support the funding of 30 OA books.


AfricArxiv is a digital archive for African research.
open access workshop

Workshop: Open Access and share your knowledge! Publishing in African Studies

A retrospective of the workshop "Open Access and share your knowledge! Publishing in African Studies"
201707006 open peer review

What is open peer review?

Here we outline a few of the key characteristics of open peer review

Communicating research. Publishers, repositories, open access

This is a guest post by Sarah-Mai Dang. It first appeared on the Open-Media-Studies-Blog.

AuROA – Authors and Legal Certainty for Open Access

AuROA develop modular model contracts for open access publications.

What are the benefits of ‘preprints’?

In academic publishing, a preprint is a version of a research paper that precedes formal peer review and publication in scholarly journal.
oa africa

Over 240 African Studies Open Access Journals

This list is curated courtesy of the library of the African Studies Centre Leiden.

How can I share it?

"How Can I Share It" helps you find relevant information to ensure your articles can be shared with your colleagues.

Academic networking sites or open access repositories?

What’s the difference between ResearchGate, and an open access repository?


Unpaywall harvest Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories, and make it easy to find, track, and use.

The Open Access Button

How to get free, legal research articles delivered instantly or automatically requested from authors with the open access button.

Sabinet: African Online Journals

New electronic journals are available through the South African provider Sabinet!

CODESRIA Open Access Titels

CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa) is one of the pioneers for open access publications of Africa-related research.

Open Access at transcript publishers

The German publisher transcript has a growing series of open access titles. Here you will find a selection of publications relevant to African Studies in English and German.

Open Access in African Studies

The Open Access Network has a new information page on Open Access in African Studies
Taylor & Francis Open Access African Studies

New open access books in African Studies

New open access books in African Studies from Routledge in partnership with Knowledge Unlatched.
African Principles for Open Access

The African Principles for Open Access

Have you heard about the African Principles for Open Access in Scholarly Communication in and about Africa?