The French SOEA Project: Open Science for African Studies

African Studies Library

The aim of the project "Science ouverte pour les études africaines" (Open Science for African Studies, SOEA) is to support the funding of 30 OA books.

Science ouverte pour les études africaines Website

The aim of the project "Science ouverte pour les études africaines" (Open Science for African Studies, SOEA) is to support the funding of 30 OA books. The books will be available in digital version, in immediate open access, on the OpenEdition websites of the French Institutes (Unités mixtes des insituts français de recherche à l'étranger, UMIFRE):

Printed versions will also be available in Europe and in African countries of interest through partnerships with regional publishers and distributors.

This project is one of the winners of the National Open Science Fund's (NOF) call for "Open Science Publishing and Editing" (2nd round). It starts in March 2022 and will run for three years. This is a partnership among the LAM (Laboratoire Les Afriques dans le monde), the IMAF (L'Institut des mondes africains), the GIS Études africaines (Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique des études africaines en France), OpenEdition, the Métopes research infrastructure and the five French research institutes in Africa mentioned above.