Heinemann African Writers Series 1960s book covers via bookshybooks.com

National license for the African Writers Series

The African Writers Series by Heinemann Publishing via ProQuest is accessible as a national license for Germany.
Readex Apartheid Global Perspectives.jpg

National license for the database Apartheid: Global Perspectives, 1946-1996

National license for the Newsbank-Readex database "Apartheid: Global Perspectives, 1946-1996"

African Books Collective E-Books: License and Access

The African Studies Library (also known as "Fachinformationsdienst Afrikastudien" in German) has recently licensed an e-book package from the African Books Collective. Registered users have access to…
CGN Logo

National licence: Corpus de la première littérature francophone de l'Afrique noire

The Corpus de la première littérature francophone de l'Afrique noire is available as a national license for Germany through the provider Classiques Garnier Numérique.

Sabinet: African Online Journals

New electronic journals are available through the South African provider Sabinet!